Çerez Örnek


Students who successfully complete the undergraduate program in the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences are called "astronomer". The departmant's annual quota is 30 - 40 students. 

Department of Astronomy and Space Science is composed of two departments: The Department of General Astronomy and Astrophysics. However,  the curriculum for each department is same. Training is completed in 5 years, including preparatory year. Those who succeed in qualification test are exempt from the preparatory year. %30 of the courses are in English. Mathematics, physics and astronomy are almost evenly distributed in the education program. Students learn basic science based on physics and mathematic courses in first four semesters. In the last four semesters, the department offers a variety of compulsory and elective courses which are designed to provide more advanced knowledge on Astronomy and Astrophysics. 

The graduates can work at Astronomy departments, planetaryums, space camps and observatories. They can also work in the area of computer hardware/software, or become trainers / consultants in private schools and high schools. 

In addition to the undergraduate programme, the department also offers Master and PhD programmes. Graduates who wish to develop themselves in the field of astronomy and carry out their research can continue to post-graduate programmes of the department. 

The  department has an observatory where observations and scientific studies are carried out. The Ege University Observatory has four telescopes with 48-cm, 40-cm, 35-cm and 30-cm diameter which are used for scientific studies, and many small telescopes which are used in the practice of students and popular astronomy studies.




1. Education

The aim of the department is to educate the students in the field of Astronomy based on the basic physics and mathematics background, and inform them about the researches in the field of Astronomy. The courses that students have to take for four years are divided into three. The education in the first two years are mainly based on Physics and Mathematics courses, and in the last two years the courses provide more advanced knowledge on Astronomy and Astrophysics.  The students receive computer-assisted foreign language education in their first year. 


2. Research

There are 18 academic staff in our department. The staff of the department are working in the fields of Eclipsing Binary Stars, Star Activity, Pulsating Stars, Asteroseismology, Star Evolution Models, Interstellar Matter, Dynamics and Evolution of Accretion discs, General Relativity Theory and Cosmology. One of the main objectives of the department is to carry out scientific research and publish these researches in international journals. The academic staff is expected to complete at least one original research per year at international level.


3. Practice

It is difficult to relate Astronomy directly to the economy of our country as the real research area of the department is basic sciences. However, it is clear that research-oriented manpower, which is equipped with contemporary information at undergraduate and graduate levels, has a significant contribution to the national economy.


4. Environmental Relations

The research center, where the department conducts original research, organizes summer schools for the public. In these schools, people of all ages are conveyed with contemporary information and visual materials, and with the courses given by the lecturers, it is ensured that they reach the right information and ideas.

Our academic staff have published many publications at popular level and within the scope of the textbook in order to inform the society and increase the level of knowledge. 

In our department and research center seminars for the people and high school students are organized.

Our academic staff delivers talks on popular events on TV and radio channels upon request.


Ege Üniversitesi